Focus Care Supported Living
'Our Focus is You'
Care Packages
Focus Care has an enhanced care and recovery approach that is service user lead, based on an individuals assessed needs and provided according to the agreed care package:
Regional Operational Directors and Area Managers to support and ensure your care package is delivered
Team leaders that are hands-on and support staff to ensure your care package is delivered
Support staff that provide a range of services which include:
Support with all activities of daily living
Support in planning your daily activities
Support to access your choice of community activities
24 hour care and support by skilled and trained staff
Support with accessing health service
Support in managing finances; paying bills; and rent
Support in completing Tenancy Agreements
Support in living a healthy lifestyle
Support to maintain contact with family and friends
Regular care and support plan reviews
Support to live in a home of your own which is safe and decent
Support you with making choices about your enablement and recovery
Personalised care and support
Support from people who care about and respect you
Additional care and support services:
Care and support is provided to access additional services which are negotiated and purchased by the service user not included in the basic care package:
Support with arranging holidays, vocational and educational activities
Support and supervision in accessing day services; leisure centres; sport and community life
Support in accessing and applying for free passes on public transport and arranging taxi’s
Support in applying for benefits
Specialist services
All specialist services are arranged through the National Health Services (NHS) unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and provider in which case the provider will source specialist services on behalf of the service user.
Care Packages
Acquired Brain Injuries
Focus Care provides an enhanced care and recovery approach (ECRA) within a supported living service for people livining with an acquired brain injury. This home with care (HwC) and support offers difrently abled people a real flexible alternative to long-term hospitalisation and traditional residential care placements.
Working in partnership with social landlords and private housing providers, we provide fully flexible packages of housing and support to meet the needs of individual tenants as required. Our tenants are enabled through support to maximise their independence by actively participating in their local community.
We offer care and support for adults with a traumatic or non-traumatic Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and varying degrees of Cognitive, Physical, Behavioural and Emotional difficulties.
Through our Housing with Care (HwC) and supported accommodation services, we provide a stepping stone for individuals to move towards enablement, recovery and an enhanced independent lifestyle following post-acute rehabilitation. Service Users are empowered to maximise their skills and develop greater control over their lives through making informed choices.
We work in partnership with service users and support them to achieve their goals. Individuals are encouraged to be constructively occupied in what is a challenging and dynamic process as they adjust to a changed lifestyle.
We use strategies and support guidelines to enable service users’ to relearn skills, in all their activities of daily living, including personal care, medication, menu planning, shopping, cooking, budgeting, leisure, vocational activities, work opportunities and social relationships. We encourage individuals to participate in meaningful activities, which enable them to become more involved within the wider community.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Focus Care supports and cares for people living with Autism. We promote and support people to make lifestyle choice whilst living in the community. Working closely with individuals and their families to provide person centred care and support that promotes enablement, recover and independence. This is achieved through consultation and involvement and building partnerships within communities, colleges and universities in order to offer support that encourages individual choice, control, and citizenship. All our staff are trained in Positive Behaviour Management (NAPPI accredited), and Makaton trained to facilitate better communication.
Learning Disabilities
Focus Care is a proactive provider of care and support to people with Learning Disabilities throughout the UK. We empower people by enabling them to live as independently as possible within a registered home setting, supported living service with a tenancy or home with cared (HwC) package. Our services extend to people with diverse and often complex needs. Our approach is person-centred therefore we are committed to the principles that the people to whom we provide our services have the right to choose, have control and have their voices heard regarding the way in which they wish to live their lives and be supported. All our staff are trained in Positive Behaviour Management (NAPPI accredited), and Makaton trained to facilitate better communication.
Mental Health
Focus Care provides a service to people living with enduring mental ill health. Our team works in collaboration with the MDT (multi-disciplinary team) and uses the Care Program Approach (CPA). The focus of our enhanced care and recovery approach (ECRA) is to provide a more positive way and increase peoples quality of life. Our approach offers Housing with Care (HwC) and support which enables the development and an understanding of why a person engages in specified challenges and strategies for preventing the occurrence of the challenges. It also enables individuals to acquire new skills. We aim to ensure that Community Supported Living meets the assessed needs of each service user and that the care and support we provide has the flexibility to respond to an individual’s unique changing requirements. All our staff are trained in Positive Behaviour Management (NAPPI accredited), and Makaton to facilitate better communication. This enables staff to identify the early signs and triggers of behaviours of concern, thus influencing a positive care approach and outcome.
Supported Living
Enablement, recovery and independence through maximising people’s abilities, offering opportunity, and encouraging positive engagement, providing community resources and access, and ultimately encouraging people to take control of their own lifestyle choices. Focus Care staff promote, encourage and support people with social and community integration, further education and training, leisure and recreational activities. We manage and support outreach and in reach services to people living in their own homes, irrespective of them being differnelty abled or sometimes presenting with socially challenging concerns.
Focus Care works in partnership with housing companies to support people to find their own home.
We work closely with the people we support, those within their social network and with our colleagues in health and social care through an open and transparent approach with clear and ongoing communication.