Focus Care Supported Living
'Our Focus is You'
All of our facilities are bespoke.
The service structure for each Supported Living, Home with Care (HwC) or bespoke service is assessed to suite the specific needs of each service user. In houses providing services for multiple occupants, a team leader will manage the service, supported by regional clinically qualified nurse managers. Staffing levels within each service are assessed in conjunction with service user needs and packages of care agreed. The skill mix is determined by the level and need of each service user i.e. 1:1 care; specialist behavioural nurse or OT provision; psychotherapy etc.
Twenty four hour on call service for service users, staff and relatives.
Promoting community access and participation through person-centred care planning that focuses on daily living activities, leisure, holiday planning, education and work re-enablement and promoting independence.
1. One Person Bespoke Services
The house is divided into two totally separate flats one on the ground floor and the other on the first floor in a spacious property with a garden. It is situated in Westcliff –on-Sea in Southend close to the town centre within walking distance of the beach, shops and over the road from the rail station. This project was set up in 2011 to house one service user who cannot live with other people and needs 24hr support and a sleep in.
2. Additional Support in a Registered Home based Transitional Hubs:
This service offers the option of an extended pathway that facilitates establishing service user needs for very complex cases where there is a specific need i.e. challenging behaviour. This community home based transitional assessment hub enables a care team to identify the specific needs of an individual prior to stepping down into a tenancy or Home with care (HwC) package, that further enables the individual to achieve greater independence.
3. Focus Housing Ltd:
Focus Housing Ltd is a sister company that sources properties and sets up bespoke housing or group housing projects for people with complex needs.
Focus housing looks to find solutions, working with Focus Care the local adult services and service users to provide housing that will work long term for the individual and give them the security they need.
Our holistic integrated person-centred approach to enhanced care and support extends into each of our locations that provides positive community inclusion and supported living at the individual’s pace and perception, measured through the “Recovery Star” for agreed outcomes.